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be your own magic

From a young age, Béatrice has been drawn to the world of film and motion pictures. As a film student, she's currently working on several projects, all of which you can learn more about in this portfolio. Béatrice is always looking for new and rewarding opportunities through which to grow and develop her career in filmmaking, so please get in touch with any questions or if you have an interesting project in mind.

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Béatrice Richer (writer/director)  is a passionate Canadian filmmaker, currently based in Berlin studying at MET film school, about to fulfill her Bachelors degree in filmmaking.At her University she is found regularly directing, editing and producing student short films - Notably, she recently contributed as a gaffer on the student feature film "Blind Disbelief", which is set to premiere in 2024.

Béatrice gained valuable experience at the renowned German production company Fruitmarket GmbH, where she interned as a production and editing assistant. Through this, she worked as a production assistant on the Netflix documentary crime series "The Soering Case," (2023) which topped charts in multiple countries for several weeks.

She is native in French, English and fluent in German. To ease her student life, Béatrice also works as a social media content creator and video editor for the Eisbären Berlin, a prominent first-league professional German hockey team.

From a young age, Béatrice has been inspired  by the enchanting allure of cinéma, recognizing its profound ability to captivate hearts and minds. It's this deep-rooted fascination that has propelled her steadfast journey into the world of filmmaking. Unlike being bound to a single genre, Béatrice is driven by the spark of compelling narratives with richly developed characters and resonant themes . Her ultimate goal? To write and direct feature films of her own, allowing audiences  to immerse themselves into her story, characters and world -  just as the movies she cherishes have influenced her. Currently, she's on a quest to amass as much industry experience as she can, driven by her desire to bring compelling narratives to life on the big screen and ignite inspiration in others, one story at a time.

Beside being an absolute cinephile,  Béatrice explores the globe, capturing everything through her tiny 35mm lens. She stays active with reformer pilates and gym sessions, and cherishes downtime with her cat and her loved ones.

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“Get a good idea and stay with it. Dog it, and work at it until it’s done right.” ― Walt D
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Berlin, Germany


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